Monday, May 21, 2012

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained...

...something ventured, still nothing gained.  I recently participated in a local craft fair, which is why (among many other reasons) I haven't posted a new entry in so long.  I was very excited to find out about this craft fair, and was even more excited when I got accepted as a vendor!  I only had to pay $60 to enter, which seemed like a great deal.  I spent almost every waking moment in the weeks before the fair crafting, crafting, crafting, and even stayed up all night on the eve of the event.  I spent hundreds of dollars on supplies, and I was nervous I hadn't finished enough items to keep me going the whole day. 

I let my garden die (to be fair, this probably would have happened regardless), I let my housework get behind (which I had been determined to prevent), and I became a social hermit all so I could achieve greatness!  I set up my little table with all of my wares, and sat there with barely contained anticipation waiting for my first sale of the day.  It didn't take long, within a half hour of opening, two women came by and purchased two headbands for their nieces.  Success!  With my hard-earned $8, my sister and I got some pretzels for breakfast from the concession stand and waited for the next sale.  And we waited.  Then, we waited some more. 

I was able to sell another headband, some ponytail holders, and a sundress, all to my friends who had stopped by to support me.  Not a single.  Other.  Sale.  It was one of the most disappointing days of my life.  On the bright side, now I have a lot of things to list on my Etsy shop, which had been gathering dust much longer than this blog has been.  On the not so bright side, no one has purchased anything from my Etsy shop yet. 

I am now left with several unfinished sewing/craft projects, several finished projects, a dead garden, and a house in desperate need of cleaning.  I've picked up some new sewing projects along the way, so I'm sure those will provide a fun distraction from all the chores. 

So check out my Etsy shop, and my Facebook fan page!  Bring me that business!!